Letter to the Corellian Jedi

To whom it may concern:

My name is Dr Rai, or also known as Dr Iradtoki. Both names are legally accurate though my birth name was Iradtoki. I am a force sensitive that will likely recommended to you by Corsec. Though as they do not know much about me, I wish to offer a bit more, even though I will be assisting Corsec medically and where possible, I feel it is important to be upfront and honest with the council as an important first step.

I have failed to become a Jedi proper to the Coruscant Jedi. One part of it is because I failed with attachments and I feel my Force Empathy has something to do with this. Though I do take much of the fault onto myself, I do not believe I am solely at fault. There has been much strain with abandonment, neglect and mistreatment on the part of the Jedi here that I feel it helped lead to my downfall.

At one point I fell and had a complete mental break, I accepted the offering of the Sith and became an apprentice. My Master was Sith Lord Morel, whom now hunts me, though the reason for that is simple. In my mental state, I betrayed my best friend at the time, offered his son to the Sith to try and force him to stop fighting so that I could protect him. Only in realizing the betrayal as it was did I realize what I had become and turned on my Master, betraying him and rescuing my friends son. Blowing up a part of Morels face in the process. Due to this he is…understandably pissed and now hunts me with a vengeance. Enough so that I worry for anyone close to me and cannot return home in the concern that he might follow me and harm or kill my son and Carmine.

I am not perfect, I am not without fault. I want to learn and the Coruscant Jedi have refused me, for perhaps obvious reasons. I have been in constant therapy, counseling, and am seeking to grow and learn. I have attached both of my journals to allow you to see who I really am…and really was. Why I wound up this way, and hopefully, you will give me a chance to prove to you I am more then what I was.

Force abilities I do have:

Force Empathy - This remains uncontrolled and untrained. I can focus enough to gauge someones emotions, though that is the extent of it.

Force Healing: I am exceptionally gifted in the healing arts and use it alongside removing poison and disease via the force to help my patients.

Animal Empathy with the force: This was one of the last lessons I received from my Master, and one I can use with fairly…accurate success, for better or worse.

I hope to hear back from you and that you may actually consider me, though if not I understand and thank you for the consideration you have given me today.

Attached below are two holofiles, one linking to Rai’s journal, one linking to Ira’s journal

Rai - Darkness Decending - Rai

Slave for life...Iradtoki - #80 by Iradtoki - Ira

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