Lightsabers should overcome DR

Use light armor, force armor is for casters.

why do I have to play your cookiecutter jedi if I want to survive at all?

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If you forgo combat armor don’t question why you die in melee combat.

Can you find lore support that says it was normal for all guardian jedi to wear light armor rather than force robes?

Look at any of the books, shows, lore, games, ect they often show jedi in armor when going into places where they expect combat to happen.
The reason most jedi do not wear armor is they are not expecting conflict. It is pretty self evident.

I’d disagree with that
The only places I have ever seen it normalish for a jedi to wear actual armor is in TOR which is crap for adhering to lore, and Clone Wars, and even then, there were only a few people who wore armor and the armor they wore was very very minimal, just a protective plate over their shoulders, shoulder pads and gauntlets. Hardly enough to be considered ACTUAL practical armor. So again. Link me your sources.

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Thats actually not a source, Wookiepedia would be a source


Dude, you have to be able to back up your own claims. If you can’t provide support for your own arguments without expecting others to research it for you, then nobody’s going to take your argument seriously.

If you want to ignore the mechanics of the server it is not on the server to make your build work because you want it to.
You have options, if you chose to not use the tools given to you we do not need to buff the caster armor when casters can already one hit kill most the server in one round.
For instance I can’t stop you from wanting to do a dex build and use a quarterstaff, but I can tell you it is not a good idea. And it is not the responsibility of everyone else to buff the quarterstaff because you are using it improperly.

During times of great conflict, Jedi would sometimes require the use of battle armor

" You won’t see Jedi wearing a lot of armor, and there’s a reason for that. So we make sure no one’s running around looking like King Arthur from Excalibur. That’s not the way of a Jedi. "

―Dan Thorsland[[src]]

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I’m not playing a caster. I’m playing a guardian. That has nothing to do with this. This topic is about lightsabers not offensive force casting. I’m also not ignoring mechanics of the server. I’m saying this particular thing doesnt make sense and even with the consideration of balance is not the best.

You brought up force armor doing nothing for you as part of the problem

Tigers are the only thing specifically weak to piercing and strong to slashing

+5 ac from insight 3 is a concentration

How do you know the tigers are not just saber resistant?

And I rarely use insight because its a horrible drain on FP. And thats just Insight II. I can only imagine how much worse the drain is for Insight III.

Also, force sense is a hell of a lot harder to level than armor skills.

even if i was going to use force insight for that +5 at tier III, that still comes nowhere near being able to compare to how rediculously easy it is for Light armor users to get ac by adding tier 2 ac and dex mods to their armors

casters cannot one shot the whole server, stop spreading that. Tran has sub 200 hp and I rolled a 99 on the breach check when I accidently breached you, I got double damage. I can’t one shot sandra, Althea, Zain, Adushi, Jerr, Jacen, and Jayce, not even close. Althea took me 4 breaches with level 2 breach at 275 hp.

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You didn’t roll 99 you rolled somewhere in the 70s from what I remember.
And you needed to roll a 17 or lower for me to resist.

yeah I am a high investment character, that is how that works. But the fact is, I rolled high while you had a a crap DC and so I got extra damage. I am still the most squishy person on server who dies when something even looks at me wrong. If I could one shot people and things, I would not die. I spam Force Push and Breach in PVE, and if I don’t use Push I get killed.

You need to stop saying casters are as strong as they are, they are not.

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What is ‘high investment character’ supposed to mean?
Every character is high investment, I didn’t get good at blasters by just snapping my fingers, it has been an investment.
Your ability bypasses the DR/DI/AC of players and does massive damage. I am a little shy of blasters 70, breach puts you at between 60-70 and in order to roughly meet 200 dpr I need to hit with four attacks, I have had to invest a lot of gear into getting four attacks, (five if we count speed) But I have to contest with DI/DR/AC where you do not.
Or should we make your stuff better and give other people a 200 damage auto hit nuke, that if you lack the stats to survive will basically instantly kill you.

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I have put in far more effort to be where I am compared to a melee character or blaster character. My average damage is not 200 damage in any form, it is 60 to 70, you are ignoring me when I say that. They have resistances I have to deal with, like you have AC you have to deal with. It is not as bad as you make it out to be. I also have no perks, no feats, nothing to help me get more damage or AC. I am reliant on a soul, single power and my AC increase power cuts off my Medkits ticks, my Force speed ticks. This isn’t even the thread for it and you keep bringing it up.