Lucas Balias: Will

//This has been destroyed but I am keeping it archived for anyone reading.
If you are reading this I am dead…
Or I better be. This is a record of my last words, and desires.

Zain, I want you to calm down, you will probably be angry or upset unless I miss my mark, and well it is fine to grieve do not let it consume you, I leave the Blue Sun to you, treat her well, she has been great to me, and you helped her really shine.

John, well John, to you I leave my apartment and its contents, sans an item listed later, I also wanted to apologize to you for how I treated you, there is no reason for me not to at this point, just make sure you grow and mature into a fine person, don’t hold yourself back acting as a child you are better then that.

Sylia, I know we got off on the wrong foot and you never really liked having me around, but I also understand why, I hope you can continue to grow and branch out you have made a lot of progress, and regardless of what you think, I do care for your well being, I don’t think I have anything practical to give you so I gift you something sentimental, my old medical badges, you are so proud of your accomplishments, and studies in all those various fields it feels like something you might enjoy.

Finally Sandra, well to begin I leave you with my pazzak deck, all my credits, and the shirt off my back, you probably would have won them all in time anyways with how good you are at tilting the odds in your favor. There is so much left unsaid, I could ramble on for a long time about them. But to keep it short, and blunt, and since I am dead it really shouldn’t matter. I wanted to tell you that I loved you, you were the best thing in my life in a long time, and I am thankful for your friendship, I wish I could have told you the full extent of my feelings before, but it never seemed the right time. I also wanted to leave you the bracelet I made and showed you. It was made for you, I am sure you already knew that, after your praise I couldn’t bring myself to destroy it, I put the box behind the mirror in the apartment, and I want you to have it. I am sorry if this comes across as selfish but I needed to say this to truly die without regrets.

I hope this all finds you well, and if I find out you read this without me being dead I am going to be cross at you and write you out.

Lucas Balis.

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