[Perk Guide] Lucky

So there’s this ridiculously expensive perk called Lucky. Starting cost is 6 SP, and it has six levels.

But it’s used in a lot of stuff. If you don’t know where you should put points, chances are good that this has some use to you.

I’m going to list all instances as of 13 Nov 2018 where it appears in our code here, so other people can try to correct my interpretations by combing through its code in GitHub.

You cannot have more than +5 Luck on an item

Chance of failure cannot exceed Luck

Increases duration by Luck*2 seconds. Luck% chance to double healing.

Increases duration by Luck*2 seconds. Luck% chance to double healing.

Luck% chance to double healing

Luck% to double duration

Luck% to double duration

Luck% to double duration

Luck% to double duration

Luck% to double duration

Luck% to double duration

Luck% to double duration

Adds Luck% to chance of Blocking Recovery

Adds Luck% to chance of Expulsion Maneuver

Rolls an additional Luck% chance to create an additional item, separate from Processing Efficiency

Luck% to grant double XP when farming

Luck% to lower the DC of a scavenge attempt.

March 12, 2019


Doubles duration with Luck% frequency

Doubles amount recovered with Luck% frequency

Doubles duration with Luck% frequency

Will recover the full amount with Luck-1% frequency

Doubles duration with Luck-1% frequency

Doubles duration with Luck-1% frequency

Doubles duration with Luck-1% frequency

Increases damage healed by 50% with Luck-1% frequency

Either doubles damage healed with Luck-1% frequency, or does nothing due to bad code

            int luck = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Lucky) + effectiveStats.Luck;
            chance += luck;
            if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= chance)
                Effect heal = _.EffectHeal(amount);
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(NWScript.DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, heal, player.Object);

Either doubles AB bonus with Luck-1% frequency, or does nothing due to bad code.

            int luck = _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Lucky) + effectiveStats.Luck;
            chance += luck;

            if (_random.Random(100) + 1 <= chance)
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(NWScript.DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, _.EffectAttackIncrease(ab), player.Object, length);
                player.SendMessage(_color.Combat("You perform a defensive maneuver."));


Increase chance of property transfer by Luck%

Luck-1% chance to smelt an extra ingot

Luck% chance to succeed a failed reassemble

Item Use
Adds duration of Luck*2 (base duration is HealingKitExpert*6)

Adds duration of Luck*2 (base duration is HealingKitExpert*6)

Luck-1% chance to receive double XP when planting a seed

(Luck/2)-1% chance to lower the DC by 2.
Increases chance of quality by Luck% (Low Quality decreases to 50-Luck%, Normal Quality remains at 25%, High Quality remains at 20%, Very High Quality increases to 5+Luck%

As of January 11, 2020:
Luck in the code has three definitions:
PerkService.GetCreaturePerkLevel (creature, PerkType.Lucky) = Your Lucky Perk Rank
effectiveStats.Luck (Referred to ‘Effective Luck’ below)
_playerItemStats.Luck (Referred to Luck from Items’ below)

According to Zunath these “look like they’re the same thing just named differently. effective stats take into account when a player’s skill is below the required skill level of a perk.” (Bit odd for luck which has no skill or required skill level for the perk). But essentially they should take into account luck bonuses from items, which on that note:
Luck can be increased by items. Enhancements are not capped, but luck granted by mod slots are capped at five per item. However currently only a few things take into consideration luck from items: Blocking Recovery, Expulsion Maneuver, Molecular Reassembler (at /3), Scavenging.

Blaster Rifle
Recovery Blast
Lucky Perk Chance of doubling healing dealt.

Tranquilliser and Mass Tranquilliser
Lucky Perk chance of doubling duration. You are informed of the occurrence with a message (“Lucky Shot!”)

Blocking Recovery
Increases the chance of recovering health on hit by luck points (Lucky Perk + Effective Luck). (So at perk level 3, you have (50+Luck)% to regain 3hp).

Expulsion Maneuver
Increases chance of BaB bonus by luck (Lucky Perk + Effective Luck).

Healing Kits
The duration of healing its is calculated as:
30 seconds + Medicine rank x 0.4 seconds + Perk duration bonus (Healing kit expert x 6 and Lucky Perk x 2) (Capping at 94 seconds, as it doesn’t seem to include medicine bonuses from items) .
If you have immediate improvement, there is also a Lucky Perk/2 chance of the immediate health regained being doubled (So capping at 3%).

Force Packs
Works the same as heal kits but with the relevant perks (Healing Kit Expert and Immediate Force Pack).
Force Powers:
Force Alter-
Force Push
There’s a Lucky Perk chance that the duration is doubled. You even get a message (“Lucky Force Push!”) informing you that this has occurred.

Force Control-
Force Body.
There’s a Lucky Perk Chance that the points recovered are doubled. You even get a message (“Lucky Force Body!”) informing you that this has occurred.

Force Speed
There’s a Lucky Perk Chance that the duration is doubled. There is a message (“Lucky Force Speed!”) Informing you that this has occurred.

That’s all I can find currently. It look’s like Drain Life, Force breach, Force Lightning, and Force Heal have had their luck effects removed.

Scavenging is calculated like this: Each area has a set ‘level’ if your scavenging level is more than 8 points below this level, you can’t scavenge. Otherwise the DC to scavenge is DC 6 + (Area level - scavenging level) (Min 4). There’s a (Lucky + Effective Luck /2) chance this DC or later DCs are affected, I believe reduced by 1 point.

Smelting is calculated by the Ore Level - Harvesting Level = ‘Delta’. If delta is more than 2, that’s your ingot count (max four, min 2). You have Lucky Perk chance to increase this by one. This is calculated separately from the Processing Efficiency perk which can also add an extra ingot. (Potentially giving 6 ingots?)
Using Molecular Reassembler
There is a second roll based on luck to succeed if you fail your first roll, but looks like it’s not your total luck but rather Luck (from lucky perk) + (Luck from items /3) .

So there’s a Lucky Perk Chance that, ‘chance’ is increased anywhere between 1 and your Lucky Perk Rank. Chance seems to affect a lot- I’m not certain on the full extent but does seem to be basically the chance of transferring an items properties to a craft.

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