Specializations, Training, and So Forth for Jedi/Sith

Okay sweet. Then with the specs would one lose a spec if they left the order? I don’t imagine they would as it is something they would have for life. And on that note is there a way to change a spec?

The tokens themselves for Padawans, are they something knights would generate? Or do knights themselves have to do something to prove they are atleast teaching to get a token?

Is a system like this being thought of for other factions? Say in the hurts or republic? To give rp incentives to other factions?

If knights are being limited to one Padawan what happens if the Padawan stops playing? Is there a way for then to get a new one?

Haha! Honestly, I’m unsure of some of those questions, myself. But I’ll try to address them.

  1. On the note of losing specialization, I’ll admit I haven’t thought too much on this just yet. On the mechanical hand, it would definitely work to an extent to do so. But on a more realistic front, you wouldn’t suddenly lose the skills you already know. Could be something where you don’t lose the spec and abilities, but just can no longer increase them (if they aren’t already maxed, I guess). But that’s just loose brainstorming. Likewise, the only way to change a specialization will be through DM involvement as it’s not something anyone should be able to do easily.

  2. On the note of the tokens, the idea was that it would be like a Unique Power item that just increases a int variable on a character to indicate their progress. For the actual proof of teaching and the stuff around that, that’s still being worked out. My idea was to just have a decent length cooldown between the times you can grant it (like 2-3 days, or maybe more, something like that). But yeah. That needs further exploration.

  3. On the note of other systems for other factions, I honestly couldn’t say. It’s definitely not a bad idea, though. But it would definitely require refinement as the system wouldn’t work in the same way, regarding progression.

  4. On the note of Padawans/Knights/Masters who stop playing, I’m also unsure. It’s possible we could incorporate a widget that just cuts off the connection and resets tokens to zero. Or it could alternatively fall into the hands of a DM to help with. Not sure.

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I imagine specs being something permanently unlocked, you are ment to be self teaching yourself at that point. The main reason I ask is because in this time period force users switch sides often in the war, it would be silly to restrict them to do so in my eyes, however I do admit that there should be something to not cause constant switching, so maybe a cd on when you can leave an order after joining it at a certain rank?

I would say the tokens are the hardest part to balance, but either way progress should be slow to represent being taught more then just the force but with the order in which on is joining too. How that is achieved can be done many a ways.

I feel like other factions need less refinement as they are more… static in their requirements compared so something like the Jedi.

This one was to make sure players weren’t stuck, I feel like a tool to deal with it should exist I just am not sure if it should be a player tool or a DM tool

I can definitely get behind the idea of specs being unlocked permanently, myself. It’s more the consideration of (in some cases) players focusing on a faction purely so they can leave it and keep all the perks that go with it. That sort of thing. But it’s something that can be thought out in any case. The time limit on leaving, though, is not a bad idea but again could cause issues if someone joins and then is actually kicked out because of not following it correctly or similar. Though I suppose the actual forceful removal from a faction could get around said time limit.

Forceful removal I feel would also need DM backing to not be abused.

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Yeah. That’s what I was thinking, as well. Probably the best approach for something like that.

Too easy, maybe have something for players that stay with a faction too? But I feel if you do that it would need to be soemthing that all factions need to do and could cause some work to make all necessary factions for that.

As a guy struggling to fit in I’m kind of biased favorably toward the mechanical NPC quest givIng.
Trying to enjoy the journey towards it (RP) while feeling stuck is tricky lol.

As in real life, even when you are progressing on a character (or at a skill in something), there are times it feels so slow you think you aren’t and can wind up getting frustrated, haha.

The problem is Luke, it will still require DMs and Players to be involved and upgrade you. So it wont be 100% mechanical. Only like 5% tops.

It wouldn’t be 100% mechanical if I read the OP correctly and quite frankly, neither should it be.

That being said, I don’t like the idea of a specialization/trial quest to be honest. Knight trials should always be tailored to the Padawan undergoing them and that is something a scripted quest can’t provide.
After all the transition from Padawan to knight (in case of Jedi) is a huge turning point for a character.

Oh yeah nah guys I get that I just wish there was a way to get there faster. :stuck_out_tongue:

Obv. for the more advanced stuff the whole mentor-training + apprenticeship RP cycle makes sense.

I just like it not being super snotty 100% gated to bar people from trying. I get it, I get it: “you aren’t an element we desire in our club, so go away” or “you can adjust to fit your character in better but it takes time” are going to be outcomes. I just… wish there was a way to speed the latter up a bit. Haha.

the RP is still gonna be gated by “YOU HAVE TO HAVE A MASTER” Zain still needs to convince a Master to take you on, theres no 100% snotty gate…Zain just actually has to actually DO what hes told rather then do what he wants to do and ignore everything else.

Which is gonna take some time. Miskol told me what he wants to see happen to give making a master for my character another go… just it’s gonna take some time to implement out through the course of the RP.


He’s gonna have to demonstrate his change of heart by doing good deeds to help out the Jedi Order and stuff, duh. In role play. With other PCs. Where the DM can go “Oh, okay. Yes this is evidence he’s more ready now than he was the first try/time.”

That’s on you, and only you, no one else.

I’m having him do it toward getting there but it’s SO SLOW going. AGH.

Guys. Please keep on topic if you can. Feedback and all that is what’s needed here. Not discussion about personal character stories and the like. :frowning:

All things worth doing, are difficult and take time. Zain has a LOT to prove, especially when he had every Jedi literally bending over backwards to help him, and he basically blew them off and cried he was getting no help and support…so he burned the bridges, not he has to rebuild them.

Sorry bout that Terallis.

I hate to be repetitive but man I wish there was a way to do it faster.

Overall, the idea is not to make training go faster, just to give it a proper mechanical purpose and no need for DMs. Not gonna reiterate what was already said, though. But it’s definitely a thing that requires time and effort to go through. Training as a Jedi/Sith isn’t something done in a day. This process could potentially speed it up a little bit, mind you, but it’s still gonna be a long process regardless.

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